non so se sono cose già viste e riviste, posto lo stesso. forse servirà a qualcuno.

Body Dimensions




LMA Comparison: B16a,B18c SiR,B18c ITR


Cam Specs
Following Cams Measured at 1mm of lift:
Civic Si '99 Spec
Int-230 dur. / 10.6mm lift
Exh-227 dur. / 9.4mm lift
Integra GS-R
Int-240 dur. / 10.7mm lift
Exh-227 dur. / 9.4mm lift
Integra Type-R(Through 1999 Spec)
Int-240 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-235 dur. / 10.5mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Stock B16A/GSR if using stock 8200 re-limit. Integra Type-R if using rev limit over 8200rpms. Mugen Valve Springs can also be used.
Description: These are great, reliable cams for the money. You can pick up a set for as little as $500.00 new if you are lucky! They will give good gains from midrange all the way until 8400rpms. These cams have stock idle characteristics.
Civic Type-R And Integra Type-R(Integra Type R 2000/01 Spec)
Int-243 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-235 dur. / 10.5mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Stock B16A/GSR if using stock 8200 re-limit. Integra Type-R if using rev limit over 8200rpms. Mugen Valve Springs can also be used.
Description: These are great, reliable cams for the money. You can pick up a set for as little as $550.00 new if you are lucky! They will give good gains from midrange all the way until 8400rpms. These cams have stock idle characteristics.
Skunk2 Stage 1
Int-252 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-249 dur. / 10.8mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Stock B16A/GSR if using stock 8200 re-limit. Integra Type-R if using rev limit over 8200rpms. Skunk2 Valve Springs can also be used.
Description: These are very underrated cams. They do cost around $100-$200 more than the Type-R cams but they also offer much more duration and will give more power than the Type-R cams. Similar power range of Type-R cams but stronger throughout the power band. This is a great set of cams for a budget minded B16A owner. These cams have stock idle characteristics. I would recommend using Skunk2 cam gears with these cams.
JUN Type 1
Int-265 dur. / 10.9mm lift
Exh-268 dur. / 10.0mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Tough to say. I have never seen anyone use this cam. The characteristics say that a stock B16A/GSR valve spring could handle these cams for use up to 8200rpms. Any operation above that and I would use ITR valve springs or even JUN valve springs.
Description: Again, I have never seen these used. I have no clue on the power these cams will deliver but it should be similar to that of a Skunk2 Stage 1 cam, although they are very different cams. These cams have stock idle characteristics. I would recommend using JUN cam gears with these cams.
Spoon Sports
Int-256 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-245 dur. / 11.1mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Integra Type-R. These cams are wild enough that you should not be using the low 8200rpms rev limit. If using these cams past 8800rpms(why would you) I would think that Port Flow or even Toda valve springs would work but I don?t think these cams will make much power after 8400rpm.
Description: Another somewhat rare cam. Will show definite gains over that a Type-R cam and very good gains on a stock B16A/GSR motor. Stock idle characteristics from the few users I have seen use them. I would recommend using Spoon cam gears with these cams.
JUN Type 2
Int-267 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-265 dur. / 10.9mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Integra Type-R up to 8800rpms or JUN valve springs for all operations. These cams are wild enough that you should not be using the low 8200rpms rev limit.
Description: Another rare cam but a few people have used it including JSIR. Cams will have just as much midrange gain as the big-brother JUN Type 3 but will start to slack off over 8400rpms when the Type 3?s are still making power. However, this cam will cause fewer headaches to get right and does not require the fancy valvetrain and tuning of the Type 3. This is by far the most underrated cam of this whole bunch. These cams have stock idle characteristics but still offer better midrange power than the JUN Type 3 (start making power at an earlier rpm) . I recommend using JUN cam gears with these cams.
Skunk2 Stage 2
Int-266 dur. / 12.3mm lift
Exh-262 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Skunk2 preferred but Port Flow will work as well. These cams are wild enough that you should not be using the low 8200rpms rev limit.
Description: The new top dog of the cam world. This will become the most common aftermarket (non OEM) cam in the US when they start getting distributed more. These have a very similar power band as the JUN Type 3, with less cost and better reliability (I said the ?r? word). Not huge midrange but very good gains from 7000rpms all the way to 9000rpms(peak is usually around 8000-8200rpms). These cams have stock idle characteristics, thus making them the ultimate street/strip cam. I recommend using Skunk2 cam gears with these cams.
JUN Type 3
Int-265 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-265 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: JUN preferred but Port Flow works as well. These cams are wild enough that you should not be using the low 8200rpms rev limit.
Description: Until the Skunk2 Stage 3 this was the best high-end performing cam on the market. The JUN 3 and Toda B were the two fighting out for the top dog when it was just JUN and Toda (ahh the old days). Again, like the Skunk2 Stage 2, not huge midrange but very good gains from 7000rpms all the way to 9000rpms. These cams have stock idle characteristics, thus making them the ultimate street/strip cam. I recommend using JUN cam gears with these cams.
Skunk2 Stage 3
Int-270 dur. / 12.8mm lift
Exh-279 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Skunk2.
Description: A race only cam. Not to be used on the street, if they are you should pull the head every oil change to make sure everything is OK. This cam makes huge top-end power gains but still retains stock idle characteristics (weird). This cam is or has been used by Skunk2?s drag racing team and Speed World Challenge team as well. I recommend using Skunk2 cam gears with these cams.
Toda Spec A
Int-250 dur. / 11.6mm lift
Exh-240 dur. / 11.2mm lift
Toda Spec B
Int-255 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-245 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Toda Spec C
Int-255 dur. / 12.5mm lift
Exh-255 dur. / 12.5mm lift
Toda Spec D (Estimated)
Int-265 dur. / 12.9mm lift
Exh-275 dur. / 11.9mm lift
Toda VTEC Killer
Int-265 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-255 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Skunk2 Turbo (specs seem low? I called them, the VTEC now has less overlap, great for turbo )
Int-230 dur. / 9.7mm lift
Exh-225 dur. / 8.9mm lift
Crane Stage 1
Int-243 dur. / 11.6mm lift
Exh-237 dur. / 10.8mm lift
Crane Stage 2
Int-248 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-242 dur. / 11.6mm lift
Crane Stage 3
Int-254 dur. / 12.4mm lift
Exh-248 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Crower 402A
Int-232 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-228 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Crower 402
Int-237 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-228 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Crower 403
Int-246 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-238 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Crower 411T
Int-242 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-238 dur. / 11.3mm lift
Crower 412
Int-260 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-252 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Crower 413
Int-269 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-258 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Peak Performance stage 2S
Int-266 dur. / 12.3mm lift
Exh-262 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Peak Performance stage 2p
Int-300 dur. / 12.7mm lift
Exh-300 dur. / 11.6mm lift
Following cam measured with 0mm of lift:
Civic Si(1999 Spec)
Int-265 dur. / 10.5mm lift
Exh-267 dur. / 9.6mm lift
Integra GS-R
Int-274 dur. / 10.7mm lift
Exh-276 dur. / 9.6mm lift
Crower 400
Int-279 dur. / 10.7mm lift
Exh-280 dur. / 9.6mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Stock B16A/GSR if using stock 8200 re-limit. Integra Type-R if using rev limit over 8200rpms.
Description: This is a weird cam. I would call it an OEM replacement cam. It fits in between stock B16A/GSR cams and Type-R cams. There are not huge power gains to be had with these cams but you may notice a small difference. These cams have stock idle characteristics. I recommend using Crower cam gears with these cams.
Civic Type-R And Integra Type-R(Integra Type R 2000/01 Spec)
Int-278 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-280 dur. / 10.5mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Stock B16A/GSR if using stock 8200 re-limit. Integra Type-R if using rev limit over 8200rpms. Mugen Valve Springs can also be used.
Description: These are great, reliable cams for the money. You can pick up a set for as little as $550.00 new if you are lucky! They will give good gains from midrange all the way until 8400rpms. These cams have stock idle characteristics.
Crower 401(NA Version)
Int- 282 dur. / 11.3mm lift
Exh-277 dur. / 10.5mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Stock B16A/GSR if using stock 8200 re-limit. Integra Type-R if using rev limit over 8200rpms. Crower Valve Springs can also be used.
Description: This cam is almost identical to the Type-R cams. A little more duration overall but that is traded off with a little less lift on the intake cam. They will have similar gains and powerband as the Type-R cams. If it were up to me I would just choose the Type-R cam based on reliability alone (there is that ?r? word again). These cams will have stock idle characteristics. I would recommend using Crower cam gears with these cams.
Crower 401-T(Forced Induction Version)
Int-280 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-276 dur. / 11.3mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Crower.
Description: One of the only true boost cams for B-Series Hondas on the market. This cam is designed for low overall to prevent blow-by and to save boost. This is typically associated with lower duration and high lift but cam lobe separation is also a factor with these cams (thanks Clayton). These can be used in a NA car but they will see better gains from a cam set with more duration. Stock idle characteristics are attained from my sources. I would recommend using Crower cam gears with these cams.
Toda Spec A
Int-290 dur. / 11.6mm lift
Exh-280 dur. / 11.2mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Integra Type-R up to 8800rpms or Toda valve springs for all operations. These cams are wild enough that you should not be using the low 8200rpms rev limit.
Description: One of my favorite set of cams. Toda does not actually mix and match their cams but they are similarly tied when it comes to power. The Toda A will offer the midrange gain of a Type-R cam but the high-end gain of the Toda B cam. These cams will have gains from midrange to 8800rpms with peak gains concentrated on 7000-7800rpms. These cams are great for a street motor and are really nice for cars equipped with a stock B18C5 motor (no valvetrain or ECU requirements needed). These are the only Toda cams to retain stock idle characteristics. I recommend using Toda cam gears with these cams.
Crower 402(Both Regular 402 and 402-A, 402-A is milder off VTEC)
Int-297 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-287 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Crower.
Description: There are two 402 versions offered. The 402 is the regular version and offers better midrange power than the 402-A. Both are similar on the high end of the cam and will create similar peak power numbers. They will make peak power around 7900-8200rpms and have nice gains all the way up to 9000rpms. Stock idle is attained with the 402-A but the regular 402 will have a slightly ?bumpier? idle than stock. I recommend using Crower cam gears with both sets of the 402 cam.
Toda Spec B
Int-295 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-285 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Toda but Port Flow will work well too.
Description: My personal pick. These cams have the most midrange gains out of any B-Series cam when they are tuned right. They have the same midrange gains of a Toda Spec C and the same top end as the Toda Spec A. They are in tight competition with the Skunk2 Stage 2 and JUN Type 3. Those care are more concentrated on top-end, peak power gains. The Toda B is more concentrated on midrange power with the tradeoff of a little top-end power. Toda B?s have great gains from 4500rpms all the way to 8800rpms. Power does start to dip off quickly at around 8400rpms though. Due to the wild off-VTEC profiles, these cams do have a ?bumpier? idle than stock. I recommend using Toda cam gears with these cams.
Crower 403
Int-295 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-293 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Crower.
Description: Crowers wildest cam. The 403 has good midrange of the 402 cam but with a little more top-end power. They will make more power above 8200rpms than the 402 cams. Like the 402, the idle will be ?bumpier? due to the aggressive non-VTEC profile. I recommend using Crower cam gears with these cams.
Toda Spec C
Int-295 dur. / 12.5mm lift
Exh-295 dur. / 12.5mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Toda
Description: The ultimate cam. This cam mixes the midrange power of the Toda B cam with the top end of similar to that of the JUN Type 3 and Skunk2 Stage 2. Power gains from 4500rpms all the way to 9000rpms. This is truly, the best overall cam for both midrange and top-end power. They might not give the top-end gains of the Skunk2 Stage 3 but you get more midrange and these cams can be used on the street with the right set-up and the deep pocketbook. Due to the crazy off-VTEC lobes the idle is rougher than stock, just like the Toda B cam. I recommend using Toda cam gears with these cams.
Toda Spec D/Ericks Racing
Int-305 dur. / 12.9mm lift
Exh-315 dur. / 11.9mm lift
Valve Springs to be used: Yet to be determined. Probaly Toda or some custom spring
Description: Yet to be anaylzed. Probaly going to have midrange gains similar to the Toda Spec B and Spec C but high-end gains similar to the Skunk2 Stage 3. That is just a guess though. This is a true race-only cam as you may guess by the specs. It will not be close to being a streetable cam due to the fuel requirments it will need along with weird tuning I assume. For use by the top drag teams and road race team, not for amatures.
Rocket Motorsports M20
Int- 11.5 274
Exh- 11.5 274
Rocket Motorsports
M21 Int- 11.6 274
Exh- 11.6 274
Rocket Motorsports M22
Int- 12.1 284
Exh- 12.1 284
Rocket Motorsports M24E
Int- 12.7 303
Exh- 12.7 303
Rocket Motorsports M24X
Int- 12.7 298
Exh- 12.7 298
Rocket Motorsports M25
Int- 12.1 310
Exh- 12.1 310
Rocket Motorsports M25E
Int- 13.25 316
Exh- 13.25 316
Buddy Club Spec III
Int- 11.59mm 304
Exh- 10.71mm 294
Buddy Club spec IV
Int- 12.3mm 306
Exh- 11.8mm 302
Buddy Club spec V
Int- 12.8mm 312
Exh- 11.8mm 306