Brand New Website Fullcartuning

Full Car Tuning
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Partner HCI
Messaggi: 200
Iscritto il: martedì 31 agosto 2010, 12:17

Brand New Website Fullcartuning

Messaggio da Full Car Tuning » mercoledì 2 ottobre 2013, 18:04


10 months of building, many many hours of hard work, long days and short nights and three deadlines have past.. But now we can proudly present to you, our brand new and updated website!

And it was about time, our old website wasn't the most user-friendly and efficient website anymore. The old site’s front- and backend were so outdated. And more often we had to deal with all sorts of failures, which caused a lot of confusion and frustration.
Our new website not only has a fresh new look, but also has tuned up performance plus more and improved functionalities.

New website features:

- Create A Personal Account
- Better Shopping Menu
- Specific Search And Filter Options
- Extra Payment Methods
- More Product Information
- Product Review Possibility

We hope you like our new website, it has transformed in form and function, is more user-friendly, offers new and improved possibilities and provides optimal service.

We will continuously improve our website and it's performance. So if you experience any problems on the website or if something isn't quite right, please let us know and help us improve the website even more!
Email us at

Full Car Tuning
Avatar utente
Partner HCI
Messaggi: 200
Iscritto il: martedì 31 agosto 2010, 12:17

Re: Brand New Website Fullcartuning

Messaggio da Full Car Tuning » giovedì 10 ottobre 2013, 16:03

Hope you like our new website :)

2 new functions.

You are able to write product reviews on our website. Writing product reviews of items you've used or purchased can be a great way to share useful information with other shoppers.
To say thank you for taking a moment to write a review, each month we select the best review and reward this one with a €10,00 Gift Card.
Prize winner will be notified around the first of each month on this page..

New Payment methods
The security of your payment information is important to us. That's why we use Secure Socket Layering (SSL) to encrypt and protect the data you send to us.
Payment provider Buckaroo handles the secure processing of Fullcartuning's transactions, also keeping your payment details privat and save.
